Did you know that the type of pillow you need depends on the position in which you tend to sleep? I recently bemoaned the fact that I’d splashed out on a pure goose down pillow – supposedly the height of luxury – but it didn’t provide the support or comfort […]
Caffeine shampoo is by far the best shampoo for to reduce hair loss. Using a caffeine shampoo is invaluable when your hair starts to thin. A few lucky people maintain a thick head of hair throughout life, but most of us – men and women alike – notice our hair becoming finer […]
Having dry eyes is a common, underdiagnosed condition that affects as many as one in 14 adults overall, rising to 1 in 3 of those aged 50 plus. When it comes to people referred to an ophthalmology clinic, screening found that 54% had dry eye disorder that had not previously […]
Varicose veins and chronic venous insufficiency are the prices we pay for walking on two legs rather than four. These common conditions cause leg symptoms of swelling and sensations of heaviness, tension and pain in the legs, especially after standing still for long periods of time. Home treatments include wearing […]
Magnetic therapy is the use of magnets and the electromagnetic fields they generate to stimulate the body’s own healing processes. Magnetic therapy is currently used in over 50 countries world-wide, including the US, UK, Germany, Israel, Russia and Japan, where magnetotherapy has been studied for decades. I am a great […]
An estimated one in ten of the world’s population has a fungal toenail infection, but because feet are easily hidden out of sight, beneath socks and shoes, the problem is often neglected. If unsightly nails are stopping you from enjoying life to the full, the good news is that fungal […]
Some people with arthritis find that wearing copper bracelets or copper insoles improves their symptoms of joint pain and stiffness. It doesn’t work for everyone, and may depend on whether or not you are copper deficient. The recommended daily amount for copper is 1mg in the EU/UK, while in the […]
Dandruff is a common and annoying problem that affects at least one in two people at some time during their life. The build-up of unsightly white flakes in the hair tends to start in adolescence and, once established, is often persistent. Unless you take steps to prevent it, it can […]
Cold sores, caused by Herpes simplex viruses are a common and annoying problem. Antibody studies suggest that, worldwide, as many as nine out of ten people are infected. Cold sores are highly infectious Most people with lip cold sores encounter the virus during the first 18 months of life as […]
Every day, you are exposed to natural white light which contains all the colours of the spectrum: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. It bathes you in a sea of colour, although this is only obvious when light is split with a prism or atmospheric water to create […]
Vaginal dryness affects just about every woman at some time. It is almost an universal problem after the menopause, but significant numbers of younger women are affected, too. Vaginal dryness can occur after childbirth, as a side effect of some medications, especially progesterone-containing hormonal contraceptives, or as a result of […]
‘The aim of the wise is not to secure pleasure, but to avoid pain.’ Aristotle Pain is something everyone experiences from time to time, but latest research shows that just under 28 million people in the UK experience persistent or chronic pain, and nearly 50 million adults in the US […]